Saturday, September 6, 2008


1. Different perception
* people has different perceptions some think that this issue is right but some don't, this is why people debate

2. Misunderstanding
*people always misunderstood or misinterpret each other because they think that their notion is better than the other one so this end up in a debate

3. Giving information or sharing ideas
* people debate to clarify things or to give information/ideas about the issue

4. Weighing
* this is for the people to weigh their side that they have a more reasonable and convincing facts

5. Enhance Logical/cRItical thinking
* this is for the people to think concretely in a sensible manner and in a clearer aspect

6. Practice argumentation
* to let know the people the positive and negative side about the issue. and the side who has a more rational thought based on facts.

7. Open to Question/Discussion
* to think over, validity of certain argument about which is the truth

-Joward Lim
-Revin Edward P. Bucoy

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